How to create a custom ESLint rule

The process of making your own ESLint rule can seem daunting – especially if you’ve looked at any of the code for rules that already exist. However, while there is a decent amount to think about and learn, you can do it. In this article, you’ll learn about the entire process of making an ESLint rule. Each step will be broken down and explained so that you can confidently begin making your own.

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Analyzing the WaniKani API Docs

As part of my technical writing certification course, we were tasked with analyzing some online document. We were provided with a series of key questions to answer in order to evaluate how effective the document was. I chose to analyze the WaniKani API docs, and you can read my analysis of them below.

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Zapier Authentication Tutorial

Zapier supports many different types of authentication schemes for 3rd-party integrations. When working with these integrations, it’s important to understand what these different authentication schemes are and why some are better than others. Let’s talk through each of them to not only make sure you understand what Zapier needs, but also to understand what they are in a general sense and their corresponding pros and cons.

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Old School RuneScape Clients

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is a popular Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). Unlike most other MMORPGs, there are a variety of options for installing and setting up the game. This provides some benefit as it allows you to pick what tools or features are most important to you, but this also comes with some drawbacks as there are a lot of websites and clients that will try to scam you out of your account. In this guide, we will walk you through what options exist for playing OSRS and how to install each of them safely.

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Verb Inflections

In a previous post, we talked about Japanese verbs and the different groups they can fall in. We also briefly touched upon how to conjugate verbs in the non-past and polite form. In trying to learn more about conjugation, I realized there’s a lot of forms / inflections and I couldn’t easily describe each of them. Because of that, I decided to write up a post talking through each of these forms at a high level. I think that understanding these forms will be helpful prior to diving deep into each one and learning how to conjugate verbs in said forms.

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